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"Rusty metal." A phrase that most car enthusiasts would dread hearing about a vehicle. It takes a special kind of group of passionate builders to raise a rust bucket from the dead. Even if it doesn't spin polished wheels or wear  coats of icy paint, a true enthusiast can appreciate every aspect of the modification culture. Whether you fancy them or not, a rusty Rat Rod will rarely go unnoticed, that is if you're fortunate enough to spot such a rare sighting. 

As motor heads on a mission to help keep car magazines alive, it's only right we cover all aspects of the culture we love. As a responsibility to educate myself more about the different styles within the mod universe, I decided to tap into the world of Rat Rods. What better way than to pick up a magazine dedicated to those rusty american gems.

The Feb/Mar 2015 issue of Rat Rod Magazine features some of the coolest pieces from the Americana automotive history. Far from the typical classic show condition, each featured build has its unique touch. Some of the rodders covered in this installment include Gary Davids' '27 T, Kevin Smith's 1930 Ford 5 window coupe, and Bobby Sparkman's '28 Model A pickup, "The F-Bomb." Event Recaps from the rat rod community include coverage of the 2014 Sema Show, Frankensteiners Ball 9, and the 3rd Annual Hot Rod Riot. You'll have to purchase your copy for more goodies like "Miss Rukkus."  

It's not always about expensive and flashy cars. A little rust can bring as much or even more attention than the modded vehicles we usually see under the spotlight. Rat Rod Mag makes sure to shine that spotlight bright on those dedicated to this unique style of modification. "Dedicated  to the working-class rodder" Rat Rod Magazine is where "The American Spirit Lives."

Thank you Rat Rod Magazine and staff for a great issue . Through SHG's #magblogmondays blog series we hope to lead our readers into purchasing their next magazine. Our mission as always, to help keep car magazines alive.

Photos and words by Bryan Ramos